I also didn't get gps to work, likewise my camera worked fine
I had no problems recieving texts, no word on sending though got no one to send too
poor me lol
edit: sorry I may have spoken too soon on gps. I'm having issues with it in WM as well. I think it's the concrete buildings around lol. I won't be able to get clear of them until morning
edit: after leaving phone on window sill for about 10 minutes, I got a gps lock, so gps does work for me. And I was able to send a text message. However something odd happened, I saw while sending the text, the 3g dropped to 1x speed, and after sent, the roaming indicator came on. This may have been what happend when I mentioned the roaming indicator being on from a couple posts ago
edit: found out something with the roaming i think, to get it to stop roaming (switching airplane mode on/off didn't work) I had to change the mobile network settings->system settings-> and toggle between the automatic/home only. Switching to auto turned roaming off, and switch it back to roaming because I want it to be on sprint only. So I'm not sure if text message does something to the APN or not. I used the same settings on there as I did on frx07.1 and didn't have this problem (but I just don't text much either)
edit: is there an easy way to toggle on sleep indicator led? without using a different kernel? I happened to like that led so I knew if sleep was working