Originally Posted by [ACL]
Autosync i noticed adds a delay to the sleep process. But i eventually does go to sleep. So give it a minute or so and see if it eventually goes green.
As for the growing volume, well there are tons of variables that may play a roll here. One thing i forgot is that each rhod may have a diff csv files. I may need to collect all the variants csv files so we can package them like we package the keyboard files. Right now i just released the rhod300 or 400 (not even sure which ones i put out). Remember this was just a test and when we merge it into the build we can come up with a clean solution.
One question i have for everyone now is if they have been able to "Power Down". Ive been working on the 3.5mm so i made a few changes and one thing that is not working for me is PowerDown. So can people report back if they have been ? If it actually locks up, then thats a diff version of the smd bug which still needs to be fixed.
As for sleep - I tried again, waited twenty minutes and all this time the led was orange
It's unpleasant for me - I'm disabling data due to power saving my battery using the widget on home screen, so I must go to settings anyway and disable auto-sync. But I must say this is thing without which I may live
As the growing volume - your answer is OK for me, thanks. I only didn't sure if this is known thing. Thanks again, ACL.
As the PowerDown - I'm not sure if I understood correct. Do you think, if we may have to PowerOff (not reboot) our rhods after the pressing the Power button on the top of the device?