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Old 12-28-2011, 04:35 PM
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Medium Hill Rom's
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Re: <> 11-2-2010 <> Medium Hill ROM's <>

Originally Posted by migz1134 View Post
Thank you for your reply i will wait to see if you find that package...
I don't think you originally mentioned it, but which exact ROM are you on now? Just to make sure before I get happy that I found something that may not work, lol.

Originally Posted by Tinkerbell View Post
Nice Dibbson!! Thank you for your post!! Nice to see you again!
Hi Tink! *dibbson waves*

Are you watching my threads?

Originally Posted by jkseger View Post
Thanks again for your efforts, Dibbs. I have since moved on to a Titan. Great phone!

Happy Holidays!!
Hey jkseger, and np, I am glad so many people enjoyed my work. I don't know if I want to say what phone I am on currently, I might get flogged from these forums, lol. Happy Holidays to you as well!

Originally Posted by cls_ View Post
Wow, it has been quite some time since I have been on the forums. I was surprised when I got an email notification about new thread postings! I actually had to stop for a second and think of my password since it has been so long... lol.

Anyways, just want to thank Dibbs for the great roms & support. Good to hear from you.

I am still using my TP2, but I am actively looking for a new phone. I am conflicted between WP7 and Android. As Dibbs said, both have their pros and cons. I think WP7 still needs a few more updates to fully mature, or wait till WP8. Thinking of waiting for the HTC Edge...

Happy Holidays everyone.
Good to hear from you cls_! I too was surprised by a email notification, lol, but it was a welcomed surprise. I feel you on the OS decision. I think (my opinion, so take it easy on me peoples) is that WP will be a big player, but it will take a couple more years to get there (which coincidently is exactly the time frame of the original road map M$ gave originally for their finalized vision of WP, 4-5 years for their vision). Android is great and open, but will implode on itself if not careful with the hardware, and software fragmentation as well as the possibility of being too open (as being open or closed is a fine edge to walk). In my opinion, I think M$ is walking the road between iOS and Android as seen by a tighter OEM process (not quite as open as Android, but not as restrictive as the one handset iOS), the software environment is locked, but at least M$ has embraced the modding community unlike iOS. I think if M$ keeps doing what they are doing with WP as well as integrating their other services and platforms together, I think M$ stands to dominate the market from a unique perspective of capturing the mobile, pc, and gaming market ( I mean console gaming, not mobile gaming). Something Android, and iOS can't do. Anyways, I am rambling bad and vomitting my opinion in this post, and I could probably type a few more pages about these things but I am sure nobody wants to read that much. Anyways, again, great to hear from you cls_ and happy holidays!

Best Regards to All,

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