Re: Flash 11, Hulu, Puffin browser on SD XDAndroid
Thanks for the feedback... Sometimes I'm messing with the phone so much, not sure which fix worked.. :>))
There are sooooooo many claims of flash working, think I tried 50 before finding this... there are some simple flash game sites to keep my kids from driving me nuts in the back seat... It's amazing hulu plays at all! On our 500 mhz 2.5 yr old phones, running Android from an SD card... ha!
*edit* also surprised Puffin hasn't run into the same issue that Skyfire did with Hulu yet...
*edit 2* updated post 1, looks like the movie police got to them, the new Puffin won't play Hulu... so, ummm just use the old one :>))
Last edited by teradog; 12-22-2011 at 03:02 PM.