Settings To Disable To Increase Battery Life In iOS 5.x & iPhone 4S
As a new iPhone 4S owner, I was a little disappointed with the battery life I was getting. I did some research around the net and came up with some settings that seems to help some with my battery life.
-In Settings > Notifications - Disable the Stock Widget & Weather Widget
I never had a use for the stock widget, so that was a no-brainer. The weather widget would update with my location and weather everytime I pulled down the notification bar. I use WX Alert USA for weather instead, so I disabled the widget.
-In Settings > Notifications - Disable any apps you don't really need notifications from
-In Settings > Location Services - Disable location for any apps you don't need it on
I disabled it for the camera because I don't want my location in my pictures and some other apps that I don't use the location feature in
-In Settings > Location Services > System Services - Turn it off for everything if possible
I left it on for Cell Network Search and Compass Calibration but I'm not sure if those are needed either. Everything else is off
-In Settings > General > About > Diagnostics & Usage - select Don't Send
-For iPhone 4S - In Settings > General > Siri - Turn Off Raise To Speak
This will require that you hold down the button to use Siri. I would imagine that by using this feature, its constantly searching for the position your phone is in to automatically turn Siri on.
If you have any other tips, please be sure to share them here!