Originally Posted by fuzzybabybunny
I feel absolutely bogged down by the phone selections and the $500+ price tags. I'm starting to get frustrated. Some unlocked phones don't get texts in certain countries, some only get EDGE and not the faster 3G/4G speeds, some only support dual band and not quad band, blah blah blah.
I've got a Sprint Samsung Epic 4G (Android Touchscreen) and at the end of the day, I want to be able to do everything I already do on my Epic 4G, ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. At the very least be able to get very good data speeds so I can use VOIP/SIP services like Skype.
What are phones you guys recommend?
Are you aiming for a Sprint phone or a 2nd phone to use elsewhere? cause if your aiming for a sprint phone then Motorola Photon is the only world phone...
If your aiming for a none sprint international phone, Galaxy S2 is quad-band 3g.