Originally Posted by alfafa
I've been lurking for a long time. This is my first post to these forums!
Sharkie - great stuff you've created here! I'm late to the rom flashing game and had your rom on my phone for a few weeks. I've flashed three others and i like yours the best. I'm also impressed that you're still responding to inquirys after all this time!
My only issue is with CHT. I've had CHT installed in my phone before and loved it at first and then hated it mainly because quick links tended to disappear, reappear somewhere else, duplicate themselves, etc. (i won't discount that it could be an operator issue). Also the widgets are too reduntant with the sense tabs. I thought CHT cooked into a rom would resolve the issue but those pesky old problems returned.
Anyway, i saw near the beginning of this thread that cookies could be uninstalled. How would this affect the quick links on the home screen? Would there be only 3 rows of 3? 4 in a row?
I have had the same exact problem as you. Uninstalled CHT editor in remove programs and problem solved.
If you remove CHT you will have 4 rows of 4 so a total of 16 links.
BUT, there is a sense tab that says "Programs". I just put that tab right next to the home tab page so I just slide my finger and get more quick links there. That one has 8 rows of 4 so a total of 32 links there.