Originally Posted by eric12341
I think VZ is starting to care more about WP than sprint is, at least they attended the Nokia conferences and are trying to get them to make an LTE phone. As far as GSM goes it is the world standard so all manufacturers will naturally consider it first then after that comes CDMA. TMOUS is the black sheep of the GSM carriers because of the 1700mhz frequency they use for the 3G/4G
Yea, yea, yea...I Know....but, it still sucks... Sprint/Verizon, they both have their heads up Android and the iPhone's a$$, Sprint even more that they have it.
Oh, yea, I waited what 8-9 months to get a WP7 device and got the bottom of the barrel...
Screwed again by CDMA. At least LTE should change that, as it seems like it will be the new standard but, you cant roam each others network (Vzw and AT&T wont allow it). Even that will take 5-10 years for full network coverage (remember how long it took to go from Analog cell to digial ?).
It will be interesting if Nokia and Vzw get together on this but, I seached over every thing I could find on this Ace/900 phone, NOTHING at all stated Verizon, a few sites said AT&T but, not one said Verizon...
Take this with a grain of salt... Put it in the rumor pile for verizon because that is all it is...