Originally Posted by [ACL]
we need a vote on this lol. or just setup a how to butcher your own keys. But this is minimal.
We've been down this road, and there are almost as many people that want the end call key to be end call as there are people who want the home button. At first I didn't really care about the long press recent apps, but now that I've gotten used to it (and the prox sensor works for calls) I don't really care about the end call key anymore
So no matter what is chosen people are not going to be happy, so the best option is some easily customizable way. I'm sure an app could easily take care of this, will just need root access to change around the keymaps. Perhaps this could be a one stop shop for keymaps, so those with other keyboards can swap out keyboard map to whatever they want. Eh?
Originally Posted by [ACL]
Sweet dude, gonna check it out now. Good work.