Originally Posted by DesertsStorm
Hi, leadpoizon, nice ROM, fast and stable so far! I have a question though... How do I remove Call History shortcut on Home Tab and replace it back with Alarm shortcut which is now on the clock widget? Don't even need a .cab for that, just tell me which of those _manila files do I edit. I am using a Mac and have no access to manilaHASH to figure it out myself. I use 10.2.11 (Multi-Carrier version)
It's not simple as editing a single manila file. This is an entirely different Home tab, which I "perfected" to work with the TP2. If you are this confident in lua editing, you might wanna help me out with some of the edits I've been meaning to do, lol.
Anyway, I've had the final version of the ROM as my daily driver for couple of weeks now, and it's looks nice. The kitchen will be released soon, which is when you guys can change stuff up and make your own ROMS. (Trust me, I've made stuff super easy for you peeps.)
Originally Posted by mizzourob
Lead, any chance there might be a new build of the 6.5.x rom? It's been a while since anyone released a new 6.5.x rom for the sprint TP2.
I don't plan on it, simply because of various things that don't exist for 6.5.x. If I do ever release, it'll always be in "Beta" stage, since it'll always have glitches.
Stuff that discourages me:
- The HTC EZ-Input keyboard is not meant 6.5.x (still wants to bring up the keyboard selection menu when you hit next to the keyboard icon in the taskbar, like in 6.5, though there is no arrow present.)
- Lock screen is fixed, but the lock call screen screen still needs to be fixed (I can do this with a little heavy editing)
- The 6.5.x HTC Album does not support facebook integration, so 6.5 one is used, but it doesn't suit the layout.
- Comm Manager does not have proper rotation support
- Dialer has a bunch of glitches here and there (Different builds cause different problems and require patches and stuff.)
- I'm picky about stuff looking good and being fully functional so all the above bothers me, haha.
I have been thinking of making a senseless edition of 6.5.x, though.
If you want to play around and make your own 6.5.x ROM, I will be releasing the kitchen after my finals are over, which is when I'll have time. It sucks that I don't have a server to upload it all in one piece, so I'll have to split it into like 10 parts. (reason I've been so lazy about it.) -_-