Originally Posted by yankees45us
Does the arrive have gorilla glass? Looking to switch to wp7 and trying to decide if I should wait for a newer phone on Sprint.
Sent from my HTC EvO 3D... On The Now Network
I have been struggling with a touch pro for years and have even been off contract for well over a year already waiting, for a cool new windows phone 7 to buy.
i finally got too frustrated with the old TP but still didn't want to lock myself into a new 2 year contract when so many awesome phones will inevitably be coming out next year.
what i ended up doing was finding and arrive on Craigslist (verifying that the ESN was valid and could be activated by sprint) and purchased it for $160 off contract.
they pop up for me every few weeks on the site
i have been surprisingly pleased with the quality of the arrive. i too have had it in my pocket unprotected and the screen is unharmed.
my plan is too role with this phone until something comes out big enough and bad enough to make me drool and then i will splurge and buy it on contract and sell the arrive to pay for a portion of the purchase of said new phone.
until then i have a reasonably nice new phone and the WP7 ecosystem which i originally didn't think i would like but actually ended up loving.
the only things i want that the arrive doesn't have are a bigger 4.3" screen, better 8mb camera and ???, but until those show up, i am satisfied with this phone