Welcome to ics-deck.
Recently I have been releasing a few preview builds on twitter for my followers, but I thought hey why not let everyone in on the action! This is built from source, 4.0.1r1. Please DO NOT report bugs yet, as I know what and what does not work. Some people are actually using this as their daily, tho it is not ready for that imho. Once we get into an 'alpha' or 'beta' state, i will redo the thread will all the good stuff and more information. Please only flash this if you know what you are doing for the time being.
*What works*
Most everything is working, although you may encounter a few FC's here and there and find some other bugs on the way.
Various others.
As always, thank you toastcfh and the cm team for various things here and there, preludedrew and evervolv for various things here and there and also the kernel, and everybody else that contributes to this community. This will also be updated as the rom progresses.
ics gapps 11-28-11
Follow me on twitter for the most recent updates. @