Originally Posted by elesbb
yeah wish i could help more , but you have to enter an almost URL looking thing where it says computer .. i forget what it was . im sorry
EDIT: i remember using a third party app which you installed a server client on the PC and then a program on the WM device , i cant for the life of me find the program on my backup hard drive or online . i dont remember what it was called . but it set up and did everything perfectly . it even had options for streaming video as well . like i have a TV tuner on my dekstop and i was able to stream it to my TP2 and watch TV from there i loved it and i hate myself for loosing it
Originally Posted by matchstickredgti
Ah okay so port forwarding is probably what I'm missing. Can't wait to get home to try it. Thanks horndoctor.
Yeah, you need to setup a port forward from your public IP to your local IP. I would suggest using a static IP on your local IP and for your public IP, depending on your provider it can change, so I would suggest setting up a dynamic dns.
Also you may want to make a self signed SSL ceritificate and setup RDP to have SSL.