Originally Posted by mbellot
Thank you! I was having problems getting the notification pull-down - it took just the right placement and swipe to get it going. It's working much better now.
I have had some very long delays waking up the panel (10-20 seconds) with the "old" 1.2.3. The back light turns on and the keys light up, but the panel shows nothing and doesn't "respond" to unlock motions. If I continue to swipe unlocks the panel will usually wake up and show the unlock screen, or occasionally it will go back to sleep and the next time I press power it wakes up normally.
If I continue to see them with 12052011 I'll post up some logs.
Just verifying, what you need is:
dmesg > /sdcard/logs.txt
logcat -b > /sdcard/radio.txt
I know I need to hit Ctrl-C after the logcat, it's just easier to pipe than cut and paste.
Is there anything else that would be helpful?
The only real downside I have found so far is battery life is around 50% of what I had with FRX7.1, but hopefully some of the new panel PM will help that too.
Are you sure your device is going to sleep ? remember green light means nap time. Orange means awake.
yes your log commands seem fine.