Originally Posted by vzihome
APN is only for gsm. The only reason its even there is because you are on a world phone. If you had gsm service, this would show the full menu with the ability to change the settings.. Hyc is right, for cdma we need to do this part ourselves as part of the build. If you look at the cm7 code for all devices they hardcode all this stuff inside. Some research will be needed to see how other devices switch carriers. I know its possible since people are running cm7 on boost and other carriers without a custom build.
Understood, just a little bit of info I found was reading up on some old threads about adb pushing apn.xml from cm into roms since it was the most complete but still no luck, I wouldn't figure it would of been that easy.
On another note what was the fix for keyboard layout, came back to nand after vacation and its first time I get the weird keyboard layout mentioned in earlier posts.
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