Originally Posted by Stevenewjersey
We will get Sprint TV when MobitTV fixes the whole in the service that allows people to snoop your device and or transmit harmfull files over the network. This is not a Sprint or HTC issue this is the responsibility of the developers of MobiTV. As usual they suck and have yet to provide support for our device.
This latest ROM for Sprint leaves me with more memory available then any of the custom roms available. It leaves me with a great deal of stability. EVERY option on my phone works. ALL my features work. The phone is only about 5% slower on average then even the best DCD roms I have tried but the extra memory and not having to reboot the phone 2 times a day under heavy use is a big pluss.
I have no problems with PIE or any other program so far aside from the latest tcmp. Older versions work great.
so basically we will never get sprint tv as the ppc6700 has been out for two or three years and they still have not fixed the issue? Yet i pay Mobitv $10 per month for tv that i should be getting for free or is this some kind of colusion between sprint and mobi tv which would seem illeagle.