Wirelessly posted (htc Pocket PC: Sprint/HTC_Touch_Pro2_T7380 Opera/9.70 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en))
Originally Posted by baalho
Wife got a iphone, so have another tp2 for Android Nand testing
I know i did HardSPL, but not 100% on Security/CID unlock on her tp2
How do you check that my rhod400 is CID unlocked?
(I have paid/donated twice before for SIM/CID unlock. I have an open ticket for a request as well, #484954, for SIM/CID unlock. )
thanks in advance
When you boot the device down at the bottom right next to the R if there are numbers followed by WU then you are SIM Unlocked. If it says WV or WF then you aren't.