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Old 12-03-2011, 12:21 AM
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Re: Fathom Roll Call

Originally Posted by cac2us View Post
WOW sorry to hear about that.
Did you find a battery to put in it and it charged but won't boot?
It wasn't a DEMO, was it?
They usually have to claim if it is.
But form what I have followed here is that you got the phone and were looking for a battery.
If you want to sell it for parts, I'm interested.

PM me if you want...
Yea I bought the standard KGIP-400V Battery brand new off ebay, and a dual mode charging/syncing usb cable... Tried the usb cable in both a ac adapter usb plug in wall plug and plugged in the computer all day... Phone appears to be as a dead and unresponsive as a door knob...

Nope it's the actual real phone...

At least I've got good exterior, if I ever need anything to replace or swap out for something thats cosmetically bad. hahaha

Yea I might sell it for parts to help chip in for however much extra for the factory refurbed phone I found.

When I get my camera back from a friend I'll take and upload pics for ya... I ordered a AC Adapter wall plug in as a last resort and am gunna try that before I give up all hope on this dud. LoL

Last edited by n1nj4Lo; 12-03-2011 at 12:30 AM.
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