Originally Posted by gTen
Actually you aren't using dual cores at all unless the app specifically has SMP support. As for hardware acceleration, that existed since Froyo, what you didn't have is hardware accelerated UI which comes with ICS. There is only 1phone with hardware accelerated UI that is Gingerbread which I shall not name here  lol (you can guess which lol)
Also how is your 4G? are you having the infamous 4g disconnect issue that happens to all 4g phones outside of NY?(and by all i mean samsung,motorola,htc,lg you name it) (asking cause I haven't left NYC just yet on a btrip but plan to in a month so wondering how it is and whether or not they fixed it yet, thinking if i should bring my wimax phone just in case :/)
Edit: Some googling around some are saying sense 3.5 has hardware accelerated ui option but is disabled by default *shrugs*
Thanks for letting me know on the HW acceleration. Looking forward to it when it arrives
4g has been excellent on the Rezound with very little issues with disconnection or handoff to 3g. Initially I had the Razr and experienced multiple lost connections which I read is common along with the Bionic, so apparently the Rezound is better equipped to handle this or I'm just lucky. I know over the course of several days I tested both the RAZR and Rezound in my house which has 1-2 bar 4g coverage and the RAZR constantly lost signal. Worse yet it would not even switch to 3g....I usually average between 7 to 10mbps down and 5-6mbps up. There is one dead zone I've run into thus far on my travels to/from work. Verizon really has the area blanketed quite well.