Can you still install an .apk if it's blocked
I want to try and see if pdanet tablet will work on my EVO 3D but it's blocked by sprint. I've tried finding the file online but have had no luck. I have it installed on my Xoom tablet and was wondering a few things:
1. if I were to find the .apk file could it still be installed on my phone or is it blocked by sprint all together?
2. Is there a way to get it off of my tablet and onto my phone?
I just want to be able to share my phone internet with my tablet. I know sprint has the mobile hot spot crap but $30 a month is not worth it as I'll only be using the phone internet on the tablet maybe 1 or 2 days a month when I'm traveling.
If someone happens to have the apk file that they can send me I would greatly appreciate it.