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Old 11-28-2011, 01:15 PM
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Re: Why should I stay with Sprint?

Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
i have no sypmathy for cheapo crybabies. its not 1997 and no one else is going to offer you 35 dollar cell service. consider yourself lucky youve gotten a good deal for a long time.
suck it up and pony up for a real phone (the hero "a good little phone"? hahaha!) that really cost money(no one is going to give you a sgs 2 for free on top of a money loosing plan like what youve got)on the only carrier to give truley unlimited data for a good price. im sure you havent accually looked in to vzw or att, because discount or not, the are almost double what sprint charges, and you cant get unlimited data.
that being said, is giving away every sprint phone for a penny until tommorow (nov 28th). i just bougth 2 evo 3ds and a galaxy s2, and besides that, i called executive services and they gave me an 80 dollars service credit per line per upgrade (basically a free month on my 5 lines) just for extending my contract on those 3 lines.
i basicly just call this number 877-775-4886. it is a no waiting time sprint line to an american rep who will probably be more than willing to help.
i love sprint.
You're quite rude, and you didn't even read my post. I said I have this great contract price as a result of negotiating with Executive Services. How did you miss that? You must have just wanted to attack me, as you clearly didn't read what I said before you posted your keyboard diarrhea.

Plus, I said that the price of Verizon and AT&T service with 450min, 4GB data, and unlimited texts, after corporate discount, is roughly the same price as I'll have to pay with Sprint ($65-70/mo after taxes and fees), but with Sprint I won't get 4G service. All other carriers have 4G in my area. I told you there was no advantage to Sprint, and that's the point of my OP: are there better options? Luckily, several people have given me better options. I hadn't even considered Tmobile, but their pricing and service is good where I'm at, and I get a 25% corporate discount with them.

So, your reply was pretty much a failure all around. Next time, try reading what I wrote, using proper grammar so you don't come across as a complete loser, and don't be in such a hurry to prove that you're a huge DB by attacking someone asking legitimate questions. Have some self-control. My advice is to go back to school and find discipline - you clearly could use it.

Originally Posted by eyeb View Post
I don't know why people worry about the data cap if you know how much you use and know you won't use it all...

But have you thought about buying a used phone craigslist/ebay/amazon or buy outright from sprint and using it on your plan? The phone costs more to buy without subsidy, but you save more than you spend on phone by keeping plan costs down. Using your current plan without upgrade, just adding 4G services you'll pay around $50? which instead of the $70 you'd pay, you save $20x24 months=$480. The subsidy would cost you something like $200-300 for the GSII?
I'm not worried about the data cap - I don't use much data. And, as I stated in my OP, upgrading to a new phone, used or new, is what triggers this doubling in price on my account. It charges me the $10/mo premium data fee that I currently don't get charged cuz I'm grandfathered in, and it forces my account to drop the $20/mo service credit that I currently receive, according to the Executive Services representative I spoke with, Ke'sha, even if I'm just activating a phone and not changing my plan. Apparently there are all these triggers in the Sprint billing system that happen as a result of adding a new smartphone now.

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
@fixxxer2008 its not just the Midwest @elesbb recently showed me his pitiful speeds and he's in PA.
It's not just the midwest. I'm in a city of 900k in the desert southwest and, with full reception on my Hero, which has been a great little phone, despite what some DBs might think, I can only pull a max of 50KB/s, or just about 1/4 of T1 speeds. That's not great for 3G, and there is no Sprint 4G here, nor will there be for at least six more months. What's worse, is the towers here have been having known issues where 3G service is dropped to 2G service randomly after 7:00PM, an issue that the Sprint techs have repeatedly created trouble tickets about without resolution.
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