Originally Posted by latinlover515
thanks il give that a try as well .. and the other official GB if i can find the post that johnny told me.. but see i know how to upgrade to EI22 if i return my phone back to stock EC05 and install the update zip after. the thing is i dont know if there is a new root with clockwork for this new EI22 release that works.... if there is does anyone had a link for it? what about this ACS recovery. i have been looking for the ACS recovery on like 5 different forums..and i had no luck.. even though i dont know if ACS recovery its EI22 compatible or if there is a compatible root for it.
Head over to xda or
ACSyndicate and PM Shane. He joined ACS a few months ago and doesn't spend a lot of time here anymore, but if there is an ACS recovery he should be able to help you find it.