Originally Posted by austin420
sprint has very good service where im at.
austin420 u represent only about 30% of the sprint customer base unfortunately.
Originally Posted by anyonenow
These lame android phones are data HOGS!
No wonder sprint is having problems.
Look at this....
My wife does NOT use the internet on her phone(no GPS either).
Just Texts and Email(minimum attachments) check every 30 minutes.
Her usage: 1,042,411KB
My usage Includes: Internet, GPS, Tether
2 email accounts(about 100 emails per day) set at 15 minutes
My Daughter's Includes: Internet, Youtube
anyonenow I wouldn't go as far as blaming it on Android, WM can use alot of data too when using YouTube ,slacker radio and other streaming apps. Its sprint's fault for not learning from AT&T and providing the infrastructure needed to support all these phones. Today is my last day dealing with them, tomorrow afternoon when I get home from class I'm putting in my T-mobile SIM, firing up my HD7 and porting over my number.