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Old 03-13-2008, 12:27 AM
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Re: Introducing the Mac Cube!

Originally Posted by Zyphlin View Post
Sweet mother mary of jesus. Thanks for "Giving everyone a heads up". I am sure your one line post about "how horrible it is", with no explanation, and no mention of exactly what other cubes people used, will completely negate the HUGE amount of praise this has got from the vast majority of posters here.

Sorry, I hope you don't mind critisim. I'm just expressing my deep thoughts of truly how horrible your post is.

indeed. I am just the hundreds of positive posts throughout 7 pages worth of this thread are all a minority. There's really thousands of people hiding behind their keyboards thinking "grrr this suxxor".

Hi, I post on message boards, so I understand how much time and effort it is to make a post like this. I find it quite futile in your effort for continuing such horrible posting. Here...I will help you out htcphone...trash all your posts here, and your brain, and start over. I'm not being rude...just honest. If you don't attempt to understand reality, you will never succeed.

Which ones have you tried exactly? The "custom cubes" on PPC geeks thus far of any major note are:
VistaCube 1 and 2
iCube (created by Music and myself)
iFade (based off the cube created by music)
eyeCube (based off the cube created by music)
Minimal Cube (created by Music)
and this one.

There's also a few very interesting, and some very poor, animations over at XDA Forums that you may've tried as well. If you HONESTLY tried a lot of them, I assume you are being completely facetious when you say that Music's MacFlo is THE WORST, as there were some HORRID ones. Also note that the vast majority of custom cubes that have been out for a while and had more than the standard amount of icons on them likely also were derived from Music's hard work.

Yes, this is a forum. You can be critical of other peoples works. There have been a few people in here that were critical.

Know what they did different then you?

They said exactly what they disliked. They said "I dislike this cube and don't think its good because the icons are too small". Or "I dislike this cube because the contact screen doesn't fit right. Or "I dislike this cube because it moves to slow". THOSE are criticisms. Yours is not. Know why:

Critisim: "disapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings"

You poitned out no fault. You poitned out no shortcoming. You just said "This cube sucks". That's not helpful, not to people reading this, not to the developer, because it doesn't explain WHY it sucks other than you stating it and unless you happen to be god on high of PDA's, who words are absolute truth once spoken, just saying "it sucks" doesn't MEAN ANYTHING.

I want to say personally that even though I have stopped using the MacFlo as I like the larger icons and simpler atmosphere of the iCube in relation to it, that I thought it was great work and a very innovative concept, and thank you for the work on it.

I won't say ANY more. Looks like PEOPLE can't take ANY CRITICISM.

And yes, they can. Music has taken a great deal of it in this thread. Yours, hwoever, wasn't criticism. It was just pure negativity.
Good job fanning the flames troll. =D>