Originally Posted by trevoroni
Here's what Getlogs spit out after having a few failed wakes this morning.
There's no way you used the GetLogs app. The logcat has no timestamps, there's no kernel logs and the PS section at the end is missing. Plus the top part doesn't have any of the other stuff GetLogs provides. Please use the app for future log posts.
Originally Posted by boggsie
Since it appears that my phone is completely stuck with LK as my rom, bring on the updates !! 
Wait, what? Did I miss something? LK is not a ROM. If he updates anything, it'll be the system image - I don't think there'll be any more updates for LK unless there's some GSM-specific stuff that needs to be baked in.
If you can't get LK or any other NBH to flash, you might be SOL. You never really updated us on that problem.
Originally Posted by trevoroni
I think the issue is that Telus phone's are Rhod500's but have a keyboard like Rhod400's... why couldn't they make life easier and only produce one version of our phones?
Just do it manually. The keyboard script doesn't run properly anyways, ACL mentioned this a few posts back.