Sure I can make a naked rom, but it really will not save you any space as far as what the end user can access. Besides, there is already a naked rom in the stock 3.3 that Helmi_c gave us.
As far as the "nonessential" apps, they are not removable. Do not worry about this though because it is in no way taking up any more you your usable space on the device. If you do not want them in your Start\Programs folder, then use File Explorer and go Windows\Start Menu\Programs and delete any shortcuts that you do not want. This will remove the icons from the programs menu.
I think this is one of the things that is still a matter of confusion. Check out this thread.
Sure a naked rom would be nice, but then you are actually only going to actually use up program and storage memory my adding files, even to the storage card.
The intent of this rom was to create something that a base user could load and have useful freeware apps and known issue fixes in it.