Originally Posted by qanda
YES and a big NO
Hard reset done but script still does not work.
In addition, I am left with two issues I did not have!
1. My wallpaper appears as if it is tiled.....instead of one nice jpeg.
2. One of my apps needs Net CF which is factory installed.
When I ran the app that required NetCF, an error message said it needed NetCF. I figured it was removed with the reset so I tried to reinstall it. Another error message popped up saying a Net CF is already installed, and to remove the copy before installing a new copy. I tried to remove it but it does not show in the Remove Programs list. I checked the registry and under NetCF, there is no version or key value.
I don't think we will ever figure out now why your Unlock to Home script isn't working.
If a hard reset does not fix things, what the heck could it be?
Not very happy at the moment.
i am sincerely sorry for all your troubles over something so simple
i did not want you to have to go through all that . I am really really sorry !
Originally Posted by qanda
Finally was able to install NetCF. What a battle. After numerous tries to get Net CF installed, I figured out that the CAB would not install with the original directory in place, even though the directory had no keys. I deleted the entire directory, and it installed fine. Then, the app needed to be moved to the device memory from the storage card. That sometimes happens, but again took time to figure out.
As for the wallpaper, for some reason, certain pictures won't work anymore unless they are resized.
The answer is not to wonder why but to do it or ????? go nuts. LOL
What a night! Phone is back to normal with an Unlock to Home script not working, and still don't know why.
As a final attempt, what I would like you to do is a step by step of how YOU verified that the Unlock to Home script was working on your stock ROM.
I will duplicate every step, click and tap. If that does not reveal a clue, then I think we have pursued this as far as we can.
A very tired QA
Again i appologize deaply for your troubles :/ i dont know why so much went wrong , it almost seems like you should task29 and flash back to stock just to completely wipe out everything . i never experienced so much trouble with stock .
But the way i confirmed was ,
flashed stock
Installed mortscript
installed my script
installed lockdevice
soft reset
Launched file explorer
pressed the power button
waited a few moments
pressed power button again
unlocked the phone
it flashed file explorer for like a second
then showed the today screen
Thats exactly what i did when i tested it on stock . i seriously dont know why its not working for you . it really makes me wanna steal your device and figure it out xP i just hate it when simple things like this go wrong . :/