If you unlocked your device using HTC unlock method (
Welcome to HTCdev) and have Hboot 1.5
1. Enter FASTBOOT, and then connect to your computer (FASTBOOT USB will be shown)
2. Open command prompt in your computer
3. Relock your device by typing "fastboot oem lock" , device will reboot.
4. Enter FASTBOOT again (you will see *** RELOCKED ***)
5. Apply the RUU.
located here
6. You device will be back to stock rom unrooted
Note: It will say "relocked" and not locked this way Sprint/HTC knows you have voided your warranty without the need to look up your serial #
may need this to run cmd if you no longer have after you unlocked
Download rootevo3dnew.zip for free on Filesonic.com
MD5: 48c19a3a07ed53441e70309df9e3a8af
Mods if you dont want it here go ahead and move