Originally Posted by Karl
think this what was used
1. Enter FASTBOOT, and then connect to your computer (FASTBOOT USB will be shown)
2. Open command prompt in your computer
3. Relock your device by typing "fastboot oem lock" (you should know what is this if you HTC-unlock your phone before), the device will reboot.
4. Enter FASTBOOT again (you will see *** RELOCKED ***)
5. Apply the RUU
6. You device will be stocked
Note: The device must be relocked in order to apply the RUU.
Originally Posted by furiousgtz
yes..follow the steps from Karl.
Youtube it I think there are few videos how to relock with hboot1.5.same steps above.
Thanks, I'll give it a shot. Do you recall the PRI this RUU returned you to?