Originally Posted by trevoroni
I was wondering if this file existed like it did in the SD card builds. Thanks for the tip, hopefully there won't be a next time but if there is I'll try that first.
I did a little looking into a calibration app this morning and there aren't many resistive touchscreen Android phones out there, and if they are the screen resolution is really low. I think we might have better luck looking for something for one of those cheap Android no name tablets.
I found this for a Pandigital Planet, it has a resistive 800x600 screen so it might be help.
Touchscreen Calibration -- NEED TESTERS!! - SlateDroid.com
I'd test it for our phone right now but I'm at work.
Originally i wanted to remove it but i doubt anyone will want to flash back to winmo to recalib. So that file is something we can write to so our settings load at all times. And if it gets corrupt, just relaib or wipe data.
Wish android had a default ts calib app
anyways i was tempted to upload the latest omgb but i just got the gsm phone so i'll wait until the weekend to include whatever code we have for gps.