YES and a big NO
Hard reset done but script still does not work.
In addition, I am left with two issues I did not have!
1. My wallpaper appears as if it is tiled.....instead of one nice jpeg.
2. One of my apps needs Net CF which is factory installed.
When I ran the app that required NetCF, an error message said it needed NetCF. I figured it was removed with the reset so I tried to reinstall it. Another error message popped up saying a Net CF is already installed, and to remove the copy before installing a new copy. I tried to remove it but it does not show in the Remove Programs list. I checked the registry and under NetCF, there is no version or key value.
I don't think we will ever figure out now why your Unlock to Home script isn't working.
If a hard reset does not fix things, what the heck could it be?
Not very happy at the moment.