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Old 11-06-2011, 06:40 PM
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fixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on rep
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Originally Posted by eyeb
@eric12341 yeah that was what I was wondering, if you were going prepaid. Just out of curiousity, have you checked craigslist instead of ebay? I see them on CL going for $200-250 (the ones for $250, I've been able to talk down to $200 on past transactions). I checked ebay and it doesn't seem much cheaper than that, and you don't get to play with it to see if it works before buying
I agree about using craigslist.

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