Re: [[Speed Improvements]] Brainstorming & Testing Thread!!
Very, very helpful post, and entertaining exchange! I had been taking the wrong approach with task killers, so thanks for taking the time to put this together. These are the measures I've taken so far:
Topic 1: Switched to ADW Launcher, and speed problems related to home screen (i.e. switching from portrait to landscape & back) seem to be resolved.
Topic 2: Skipped, have extended battery so only looking for performance improvements.
Topic 3: SD readahead was somehow initially set to 256kb for my FRX07.1, so I increased it to 2048kb. 'Mini-resets' seemed to occur at same rate, typically during new app install or app update, so I decreased it to 1024kb.
Topic 4: Have played with overclocking in the past, but disabled it due to battery drain with standard battery. Turned it back on using recommended freq now that I have the extended battery.
Topic 5: I think this was the best recommendation and helped the most. I used the V6 SuperCharger Update 8 script with the recommended options (#2, #11, #17). Now I seem to consistently have 40-50Mb of free RAM, while before I only had 20-25Mb. Is there a way to make the internal taskkiller even more aggressive?
Topic 6: The "failure to boot" comment made me hesitant to experiment with this. I really like the idea, but I will need more time for proper backups before I can try this.
Thanks again for your work putting this together. I'll try to report back after a few days of use.