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Old 11-05-2011, 03:24 PM
fixxxer2012's Avatar
#1 troll!
Location: West Michigan
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fixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on rep
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Eric they are giving you the run around like they did me back in june. They know damn well the towers wont be fixed. Just migrate your number to tmobile. I bet after you do they waive the eft. Thats what happened to me when we went to verizon.

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