Originally Posted by aedon
no, if you DO NOT have insurance they will replace it for 35 bucks.
Then they ship the phone off the htc to look at it and if HTC determins that the phone is messed up because you either opened it yourself or unlocked it, both of wich you say you havnt done, then HTC will charge you the retail price (About 599) for the tp2 replacment they sent you
But since you have not tampered with it, as far as you have told us, then HTC wont charge you a dime. Sprint will just charge you the 35 for processing and replacment fee
If you have insurance then the replacment is free
Oops yeah I meant to say "without" instead of "with". Well that's good to know. I bought the phone off ebay and I think the watermark might be tripped. I'm sure you guys would know, is it the little square of white under the battery cover right next to the stylus? Mine is partially red.