Originally Posted by Sc/ant864
Hmmm strange, looks as if the LCD has sustained sun damage. My old TP2 screen had a few very bright blotches in one spot that only showed on white background from water damage.
If WinMo is fine (over extended usage, right OP?) then I have a hard time saying this is hardware.
With that said, I've never seen/heard of this happening. OP - you seem to have a lot of radios on (BT, wifi) - not that these would cause that issue, but BT is still pretty flaky. Have you tried booting w/o turning anything on? Is there anything in particular you're doing that triggers it? In other words, is it easily reproducible, or is it random? Happens in portrait or landscape? I wonder if it's related to the slider... but again, I would think that same problem would happen in WinMo if it was the slider/something hardware.