Originally Posted by eyeb
so how fast is 3g suppose to be? I mean on TP2 age hardware...? I'm not sure if the hardware on such an old phone limits the speed.
I mean kind of like how the speed limit is 55 miles per hour but an old car from the 30s would have trouble reaching that speed :S exaggerated example, but the idea is same.
eyeb well as a note of reference sprint advertises their 3G speeds to average between 600 and 1400kbps with bursts of up to 3200kbps. This is what i expect to be getting or at least be able to listen to a song and watch a video without buffering. When I had my TP and TP2 I was getting between 1800 and 2400 until February of this year. The CDMA 3G standard (EvDO)is slower than the GSM standard of HSPA which can output speeds of up to 21mbps like I recently got at a t-mobile store on an HD7. I don't expect insane speeds like that when I make the switch but with that at least I know I'll never get below 1000.
Originally Posted by gullzway
My Sprint 3g speeds have been the same from the htc diamond, tp2, Moment, and Epic. Average around 1.2 Mb/sec.
Sent from an Epic 3G using ppcgeeks.
so lucky to be getting those speeds.