Originally Posted by fixxxer2008
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The charge sucks. Get a thunderbolt or dinc2. Trust me the charge isnt a good phone plus the development sucks.
Didn't Thunderbolt have a lot of issues? and wasn't the Droid charge verizon's #2 selling phone for the entire year until bionic came out?
Anyways I am not expecting a lot of development for it and I got it for a little over 100$ in good condition (when it normally ebays for 200$)..effectively I bought it from a user who had no clue of its value, the guy didn't even wipe his own data *sigh*
See I only plan to be on verizon till mid year 2012, and once this phone isn't used anymore it will act like an mp3 player/video player. The thunderbolt 2 and the dinc2 have really not much use without service :/
I am only expecting 1 thing from this phone, 4g tethering.