Originally Posted by CarlaDarla
I like my E4GT a lot, but the LOS issue really gets old. It happens to me quite a bit, although your experience may be different. As for the 4S, I have to say I love mine (Vzw). I haven't felt a need to Jailbreak it since I don't mind buying the Apps I want and it really does seem to work without any hiccups (as of yet). My E4GT was great out of the box and it is still a great device, but it's hard to recommend something that can't maintain a connection. Play with them both and whatever else catches your eye and make a choice. Don't let other peoples recommendations make the decision for you. You have to live with whatever you buy, not us.
The signal issues you were experiencing with the E4GT is not related to the device but with sprint. I have an Epic and a Droid Charge side by side next to each other. The Epic has 1 bar signal and the Droid charge has 4.
Sprint network just isn't what it used to be