[Odin]|[Heimdall] Stock EH17 + stability fixes - xda-developers <<< LINKS IN POST for download ..
No one has posted this yet, and I know lots of people like stock ROMs, so here it is.
This is the Stock Deodexed EH17 tar released by crawrj with stability fixes. It transforms the EH17 leak from a rebooting, GPS freezing, piece of crap to a stable "daily driver".
The only modifications are:
mkasick's 10/19 kernel, based on official source (
Epic GB kernel sources! (10/19/11 official, with keyfix kernel) - xda-developers )
Necrosan's Hotspot Hack (
[Hack] [EH17/EH06/SRF12] [3G/4G Wireless Hotspot] Native USB/Wireless Tether - xda-developers )
hienkhieu's GPS Fix (
GPS FIX for Gingerbread leak - xda-developers )
Along with the people noted above, a big thanks to chris41g for his cheat sheet on how to make a tar for ODIN. -> (
[How To]Making an ODIN Tar - xda-developers )
Misc Mods:
No Battery Pop-Up
CRT Off Animation / Disable Screen on when unplugged
CRT Off/Disable Screen On when unplugged/1% battery Circle (Credit to Fightspit, Qliratu and Mendozinas for the battery graphics)
Samsung Epic 4G (Galaxy S)