Originally Posted by chong67
Oh I see. Is kernal the same as ROM?
I remember kernal is something inside the corn from some computer science class.
ROM is the operating system itself, that one is pretty obviouse
The kernal on the other hand, from what I can understand, is a linux based script that act like a decision maker between the user and the hardwear
The kernal tells the ROM what componants are available for use and tells the ROM how fast to run, what to prioritize and what to exclude ect.
Pretty much, (from my understanding) when you tell the phone to do something, the ROM submits a request to the kernal, and then the kernal replies by telling the hardwear how to go about your request
Some kernals make the phone faster and more powerful.
Thats why having s-off is somewhat of a big deal cause the kernal can drasticly improove the performance of the ROM