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Old 10-30-2011, 08:17 PM
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Re: Kitchen released

Originally Posted by pizzaboy192 View Post
Now that makes me wonder something... I used your OEM and EXT that you uploaded earlier and build one without PowerMobia in it... and I still have a fully working GPS set on my phone. It might be a fluke (My ROM has a few other things that I've been throwing in for personal use) but It's weird that even with it excluded, it ended up on my phone.

Oh well.
I've got some more kitchen files that I'll be working on the the next week or so.

One thing that I have noticed: using the V7 SYS but the V5 OEM still results with a broken 3G connection. It's not as bad, but it still drops (Once a day verses once every few hours)

I'll keep looking into things to try and get the V5 SYS merged with the V7 one. I also want to find a way to de-verizon-ize it so that people who are using it for it's GSM radio can use it more.
My GPS works too... you just can't get to the options to turn it off. The 3G connection dropping makes sense because I had to switch the Drivers folders to the v7 folders to get the 3G hotspot program working. I replaced OEMDrivers and OEMDriversHigh to get it working. Y0u might start swapping drivers to see if it makes a difference... but I bet the 3g connection "dropping" saves on battery.
- Jesse
My Diamond wm6.5 ROM
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