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Old 10-28-2011, 12:31 AM
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Re: Who still loves WM ?

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
Trying not to acknowledge those @aedon posts. But yea anyway I love WM been with it since 2004 when I got a hp h1910 as a gift then upgraded to a Dell axim x50 but was later upgraded to an x51v because of all the problems (seems dell still hasn't learned their lesson because even the dell venue pro is having issues) I then moved on to a TP in 2009 and in may 2010 being frustrated with the battery issues I was having (dying and overheating on the charger) after it did that during a phone call with my gf at the time I called sprint and they replaced it with a TP2 which I still have but no longer in primary use as I now have an HTC arrive.
lol, sorry eric, but its just not the same. Im glad it works for you, but its not for me. not now anyway
the day windows phone 7 becomes as customizable as windows mobile i'll jump back on the band wagon. But it just doesnt work for me at this point in time.
I just dont like the interface of the tiles at all, and I want to be able to skin things on there like I have on window mobile.

Sorry if it bothers you that Im not into windows 7 as much as you are, but on another note when I brought up the iphone you called it the iphony so youve got a distaste too :b

Last edited by aedon; 10-28-2011 at 12:34 AM.
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