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Old 10-27-2011, 07:30 PM
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Re: Who still loves WM ?

its a shame its pretty much dead.
I am going android here in the next few days though.. I cant stand windows 7.. and I hate iphone even more lol.

Its just comming down to picking between a few dif droids.

Anyway.. as for why I love wm..
-first smart phone
-first touch screen
-made my first apps for a wm
-first skins
-first.. well you get the point

Im still loving my tp2. It has to be one of the best devices I'll ever own. But its dying inside a little every day
it just cant keep up with me anymore. sadest face ever.

but gten is right.. eventually we will have phones in our pockets that outspec current day high power laptops lol
its a waiting game...

I choose to go android because of the list of things I have to choose from.. droid is the only thing left I can tweek and sink my teeth into
iphone? pfffft. you cant do shit on them,
windows 7 phones? pffft. iphone wana be.

"Dear Microsoft,

Windows Mobile was the best thing ever.
You peaked at windows mobile 6.5
We want windows mobile back, not windows phone...

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