Originally Posted by Karl
the release date for the E3D was 6/20/11
if he had Hboot 1.5 the he got his 8/18 or after
i believe the Revolutionary team is working on rooting hboot 1.5 but not sure when that will be its been almost 2 months with no new root for hboot 1.5
if i was you i would look for one on ebay or in the bargain center with an older hboot or already rooted with non-htc method
Thing is I can get one from sprint for my sero upgrade for like 150.
I HIGHLY dought Ima find one on ebay for that price lol
not a good one anyway
I dont mind waiting awhile longer for the rev to work it out.
But if its been 2 months already with nothing to show.. what are the odds that they get it any time soon?