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Old 10-26-2011, 08:22 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07.1 - Maintenance Release

Originally Posted by eyeb View Post
Does anyone know if it is safe to replace the default launcher in android with another one?

I mean currently I have adw launcher installed and set as the default launcher, but every so often when I make my way to running services, I see launcher running (224kb). I'm assuming this is android's default launcher. So I'm wondering if I can replace this with adw launcher the same way I updated the android market app. Namely if I went into root directory, can I delete launcher.apk and replace it with adw apk? Or am I misinterrepting launcher and it is just how android manages any launcher?
Uhm, I wouldn't rip out anything that could be essential to Android's operation.

I use ADW as well as my default launcher, but that doesn't mean that the 'laucher' app doesn't have other duties within the system. I mean you can try it, but I wouldn't recommend it. Is it really work the 224kb?

Edit - never really gone out and looked, but I don't see the launcher in my list of running applications or services...
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