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Old 10-26-2011, 05:48 PM
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Re: average time before corrupt data.img?

Originally Posted by markw5252 View Post
well I've had a few different reoccurring issues that make me delete the data.img and then do a TB restore on a fresh boot.
1. Repeated force close of apps
2. Get stuck in the boot process (stuck on xdandroid loading screen indefinitely or stuck in loop before the break in the boot sequence.) occasionally restarting and running haret again works.
3. loss of signal (just an X on the bars cdma w/sprint), even with reboot, disable/enable airplane mode...
4. turn off the phone then maybe 1/4th of the time gets stuck in the boot process (problem 2)
it's usually one of these problems every 2-3 days. I run android all the time, and usually spend an hour restoring with TB. still love it though
Wacky. If you have another SD card, I would at least give that a shot. If not, at the very least, I would backup all the data on the card, do a full wipe (FAT32) with the HP Tool and then restore all your data.

I certainly don't have any of those problems.... randomly I've had the radio go missing for some reason, but it always comes back. I've had the boot process fail, but it usually wasn't a data.img issue. Only time I've really had to delete the data.img was from FC fests... which I've also found can be resolved with other methods, with limited success.

With that said, I would still lean towards a bad/misbehaving SD. Not sure what else it could be...
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