Originally Posted by elesbb
did you purchase the phone through a third party or through sprint ? because if its a two year upgrade then you must upgrade your plan . I signed up for simply everything and the only upgrade I would have to do is the 10 dollar fee . even if I bought a 3g only phone like the arrive . since your contract expired , you are getting the phone at a "new sign up" price plus the discount for your upgrade and in order to do the new contract upgrade you must sign another contract . I was told if I buy any 3g phone via ebay or 3rd party I will be able to keep the current plan with no change .
what plan are you on now ?
I'm on a free and clear family plan with 550 mins shared between 2 phones, premium data add on, mms add on, nights at 7pm add on. All this for $72 after taxes.
I just spent another hour on the phone with sprint and escalated to a retentions supervisor. I was told I do not have a data plan, since my plan has this as an add on, it does not count as data and their system will not allow this. All this is bs, sprint just wants to force abandoning the old legacy plans.
I asked about buying a new phone from a 3rd party or eBay, they said no way. He said it is simply not compatible with my legacy plan and any account rep will not be able to add the phone.
If you are on a legacy plan, beware of a surprise!