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Old 10-23-2011, 07:07 PM
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Originally Posted by aedon
Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 View Post
yeah i know and hes like the only member here with one. =D>

when i was with sprint i almost bought one for the hell of it but after watching reviews i changed my mind. if anyone is considering a wp7 device id say wait for the nokia line to ship. the arrive just doesn't cut it IMO.

OP the choice is simple, get the gs2 or the new evo. if you can wait i heard in 2012 sprint may get the new nexus but nothing has been confirmed.

haha, now that you mension it I cant recall ever seeing anyone else Ive interact with say they have one

and about the new nexus, when I was at the sprint store yesturday talking to one of the guys there he said that the new nexus is sapouse to be comin around by like the 20th of Nov.

Him and one other rep were discussing phones with me.
I have been going in to that store and looking around a couple times over the last few weeks so they know me and talk freely with me

I blew their minds when I showed them my tp2 with all its tweeks and mods lmao
I showed them the custom rom, all the custom skins I made for it and a few I had downloaded.

But what REALLY freaked them was that Im running gingerbread on it off dual boot lmao

so all that stuffs got them to talking with me about the phones they like and are dying to get ahold of.

They mensioned the new nexus in a passing convo

That and that HTC is going to be giving Virizon a dual core 1.5 ghtz phone in november but i didnt hear the name of the phone
No verizon will be exclusive next month. Sprint wont get it until 2012.

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