Originally Posted by eric12341
It kinda depends where you are, for example where I lived before 3g was pretty good. Now that I moved its been much weaker signals around here. The added problem made it somewhat worse.
Tethering to me is most important when I travel and luckly so far I traveled to cities with 4g and stayed in the heart of the city.
Overall though I think sprint is gonna be living on its lifeline the next 12month. They promised full LTE coverage by 2013 (my guess through lightsquared). But I have to wonder considering sprint is always showing themselves in the red yes still manages to throw around billions and pay bonuses where exactly they are getting the money from :/
I was thinking of going to Verizon to have a larger 4g footprint but I am not too happy about the datacap/price ratio. They should have at the evry least kept an unlimited option for a higher price.
Overall I am thinking about getting that new Walmart's T-Mobile unlimited 4G plan that came out on oct16th and its only like 30$ a month and no contract. There will obviously be throttling once I go past 5gb/month but I can use it with sprint side by side.